This workshop has been postponed until autumn 2024. A new announcement will be posted on the BærUt website as soon as all details have been finalised

This workshop introduces learners to the automatic text recognition (ATR) tool suite “Loghi”. This collection of tools can be used locally, i.e., without uploading data to a foreign server or a cloud service, which may not be an option for projects with stricter data protection guidelines.

The workshop will briefly introduce ATR and its capabilities and limitations. Afterwards, learners will be introduced to Loghi’s command-line interface, and we will practice using a previously trained model to recognise text, prepare our data for training, and utilise it to train a new model.

When & Where?

2024-06-11 at University of Oslo

More details and registration for the in-person workshop is available via:

Preliminary Lesson Plan

Please note that the lesson plan may still undergo changes until 1-2 weeks before the workshop.

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Introduction to Automatic Text Recognition (ATR)
  3. Setting up Loghi with Docker
  4. Using a pre-trained model to recognise text
  5. Break
  6. Creating training data from existing annotations
  7. Training and using a small custom model
  8. Final questions and wrapping up

Setup Instructions

Installation instructions and related pieces of information will be added below in due time.